it’s extraordinary

how tomorrow is the day of my senior prom. Really. It’s 2009 and in another fifteen days, half the year will be over. In another fifteen days, my blog will be two years old!
I’m very antsy right now; probably from thinking of how much fun afterprom will be. I’m just ecstatic that my father is letting me go! After that fight and the email my mother sent him, he’s been…softer, calmer. Of course he’ll occasionally frown at the idea of me being driven by my friend to Seaside at night, but I just smile at him and he doesn’t say anything.

Did I ever tell you I love to pack? Maybe because it means i’m leaving, going somewhere. Away from here. That’s probably why. Because it’s so easy for me to know what I need and don’t need.

I stayed afterschool today and just hang around with Thomas in her room. (Thomas: short for Ms. Thomas aka Hope Thomas aka Hope Stewart) We just updated each other on our lives and what our weekend plans are and how fast life is going for us.

She said, “I can remember just shopping for dresses and now i’m shopping for house windows!”

Did I mention that she’s buying a house in the town right over?

Oh! I’m just so excited for life! Here is what my dress looks like, by the way!

I'm not a leopard print kinda girl but when I saw this in the Philippines I was captivated.

I’m not a leopard print kinda girl but when I saw this in the Philippines I was captivated.

Leo Love Horoscope

Go to: May 14 | May 15 | May 16 | May 17

Leo May 16, 2009
You may be craving something romantic, but unless you break out of your current routine, you will be disappointed. Now is a good time to try something new and exciting.



I want to explode.
How can I feel such sadness and happiness simultaneously without the combustion of the vessels arranged like spider webs within me?

The feeling of death is still here (winter) but the thought of new love comes with the warming sun (spring)

I can only pray, hope for the best.
I don’t think it would be appropriate for me to post about what happened today. I’ll keep it to myself.

+ + +
I hope he falls… for me. ah!!

Leo Love Horoscope

Go to: Yesterday | Today | Tomorrow

Leo Tuesday, February 17
It’s time to act on your impulses. Those feelings you have been experiencing should be brought out into the open. Try to bring a little spontaneity back into your life.

emergency exits

Conversations of love. About love.
I suppose we’re all looking for the same thing.
+ + +
I was at UVA yesterday. I went with my cousins to a party held across the street. My hair was oily because I hadn’t showered that day (it gets oily SO FAST.. after a few hours..) and I was totally self-concious and not very confident the whole time. It sickened me that my confidence and self-esteem depended on my hair!

Sigh. How pathetic. That has to change.
My hair really is the only thing I truly take pride in with regards to my appearance. I feel like, as long as my hair is clean and fresh, I’m fine.

Impulsive decision to go with my cousins to Maryland and Virginia. But any chance to get out, I take.

Eh. I kind of want a boyfriend now.
(Only because I keep watching stupid romantic dramas!!)

I think men should focus a little more on their love lives and relationships.
The world would be a better place, I think. :)

oh hi.

Oh, hi!
My sincere apologies about disappearing for about, oh, a week?
(See guys, Claire has a life!! hehe)

Alright. To sum up Christmas:
Aside from watching my cousins vomit all Christmas Eve day, Rock Band and Call of Duty 4,
Christmas day felt like an ordinary Sunday with some sprinkles on top. And I don’t like sprinkles very much either.

I’ve basically been with the cousins for most of the time, just being the silly kids we are.

Would you like to see the comic I sent to the Ulterior Magazine this month?

a wondrous place (clicky]
a wondrous place (clicky)

Tonight I am going to Rutgers to play pong with Jess, Jun, Jose, Dan and Paul Kim. :) Yay!

But I have to finish a college app. right now, isn’t that wonderful?

ps. more strange dreams. dreams within dreams. blah blah.
p.p.s. Milk is one of the greatest films I have ever seen. Really. Truly.
SEE IT.  S E E  I T .

I sit here eating the chicken curry my mother made for dinner and I wonder what true curry from India tastes like.
I’m funny.

Enter Claire, she sits on her lazy boy chair [with cell phone in hand]
She looks at the phone.
Claire (announces out loud): I’m about to change my future!
She presses the Call button.

Claire. I swear. If you don’t take some kind of leap now you’ll regret it later. He wanted to hang oout with you which means he wants to see you…
You are right, Allie.

like little children with faces hiding

I don’t know. I thought a lot today. Things we did, what he said.
Maybe I do dream too much.
I dream and dream and dream
until someone shakes me.

Listened to the song “2007, The year punk rock broke my heart” by Los Campesinos. There are like two lines of verse and the rest is instrumental. Drove home, dark, shiny streets, red lights, white dotted lines disappearing behind me. Tears started to swell within my eyes. I didn’t know why.

There is nothing more devastating to me than
the death of dreams i’ve made with someone.

We had the whole world on our fingertips.

Once a boy promised to take me to a hockey game.
Another promised to take me to a soccer game in Madrid.
Another promised to take me camping.
Another told me to climb to the top of the Empire State building with him.
The same asked me to one day build a build a bear with him.
Another boy promised a road trip at the end of high school.

+ + +

Betsy Valdez is home! :D
Jun is home! Well, will be in a few hours.
Harris is home!!!

Apartment party @ Bronson’s tomorrow night. :)
Then afterparty at Jessica’s.